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September 14, 2023


Former Voices for Children in Nebraska board member Kimara Zuri Snipes, Research Coordinator Josh Shirk and Policy Coordinator Katie Nungesser met up at the Nebraska Civic Engagement Table's membership convening at the end of August. Systemic change happens when we work in coalition, committed to building community power and lifting up Nebraska kids and families.

From the Policy Desk...

LB 1173 Reimagines Well-Being of Nebraska's Children

Last year, the Nebraska Legislature approved Legislative Bill 1173. This bill required the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Nebraska government to develop a workgroup to transform and improve the well-being of Nebraska children and families.

As part of this work, listening sessions were held across the state of Nebraska and wrapped up this month in Lincoln. Voices for Children was in attendance along with a large group of community members, nonprofits and state employees.

The feedback Voices for Children and the group of attendees offered up was recorded and passed on to the statewide work group who will consider the feedback from stakeholders in their recommendations. We will be closely monitoring any proposed outcomes or changes to ensure they align with a child welfare system that promotes child safety and family strengths. 

Voices Staff Attend Nebraska Civic Engagement Table Member’s Summit

Voices for Children staff Josh and Katie joined policy and advocacy partners at the Nebraska Civic Engagement Table member’s summit earlier this month.

The two-day event allowed member agencies to focus on their collective impact and shared vision for policy work. The event included sessions on strategy, technology, compliance, organizing work in rural communities, ballot initiative strategies, judicial branch advocacy strategies, and more.

In addition, Voices staff were able to participate in a diversity, equity and inclusion training on authentic allyship. One of our core values is equity, centering diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in all that we do. The gathering also allowed for reflection on the last legislative session and time to organize with other community agencies in preparation for 2024. We accomplish more for Nebraska children when we work in partnership.  

Voices for Children continues to collect signatures for the Paid Sick Leave for Nebraskans ballot initiative. Visit Paid Sick Leave for Nebraskans for more information on the issue, where to sign, and how to get involved ... or stop into Voices for Children's office in downtown Omaha to add your signature! 


Tickets Still Available for Sept. 22 Voices for Children in Nebraska Gala 

This year's fundraising gala will be full of fun fall activities, including a photo booth, a Wheel of Fall-tune, wine pull and raffle items -- and of course, great food and drinks!

Our goal is to raise more than $75,000 to make it possible for us to advocate for Nebraska's children in 2024 and beyond. 

There is still time for you or your business to become a sponsor or claim your ticket by clicking the button below or contacting Mike for more information.

And don't forget -- we'll recognize this year's award winners! 

Champion for Children: Patty Pansing Brooks

Outstanding Youth Award: Isabella Buckman 

Youth Organization: Banisters Leadership Academy 

We hope you'll join us to CELEBRATE these amazing people and organizations that have made it their missions to positively impact the lives of children in Nebraska. 



We are hard at work on the 2023 Kids Count in Nebraska Report, and as always, we need photos of Nebraska kids for the cover! Send your favorite photos of your Nebraska kids learning, playing, and thriving to Research Coordinator Josh Shirk by December 1 and they could be featured cover models on our report next year.  Thank you! 


Your Gift Today Makes a Difference Tomorrow!

The work we do every day on behalf of families and children COULD NOT HAPPEN without the support and participation we receive from YOU. Your generosity allows us to remain an independent voice for Nebraska's kids. 

Get in Touch: voices@voicesforchildren.com | (402) 597-3100

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