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April 26, 2024


From the Policy Desk...

The Nebraska Legislature has officially concluded its scheduled 60-day session, and senators and advocates alike are taking a breather. But that doesn't mean legislative policy work is over for the year!

Whether or not a special session is called to address the governor's plan for property taxes, every year senators introduce interim study legislative resolutions ("LRs”) to examine areas of interest or concern.

These LRs provide a forum for information gathering and sometimes public hearing before the relevant committees.  

Below you will find just a few of the 2024 interim study LRs Voices for Children will be following this year:  

Juvenile Justice 

Senator DeBoer introduced LR 381 to conduct a comprehensive examination of court fees as a funding source for the court system and the judicial branch. This includes the appropriateness and effectiveness of juvenile court fees and other expenses assessed to youth and their families. This has been assigned to the Judiciary Committee. 

Senator Bosn introduced LR 342 to consider changes to the juvenile justice system to address impacted youth who have mental health and substance use diagnoses. Nebraska is lacking mental health services, especially for youth. This impacts all youth in Nebraska but especially those that are system involved. This has been assigned to the Judiciary Committee.  

Economic Security 

Senator Conrad introduced LR 404 to examine the impact of the services provided to eligible recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program funds. TANF participation has decreased as the need for the program increases in Nebraska.

This study would analyze the administrative barriers, participants' difficulties navigating the sanction-based program, and the standard of need formula used to determine benefit levels. This has been assigned to the Health and Human Services Committee.  


We are following two interim studies aimed at increasing affordable childcare in Nebraska.  

Senator Linehan introduced LR 349 (Revenue Committee) which examines the funding sources, including tax incentives and other methods, used for early childhood education programs in Nebraska. Senator Hansen introduced LR 423 (Health and Human Services Committee) to examine childcare providers in Nebraska and the shortage of childcare options in rural Nebraska. 

Child Welfare 

Senator Day introduced LR 387 to examine payment rates and methodology used by the Department of Health and Human Services for child and adolescent behavioral health care, child welfare, and juvenile service providers.

Rising costs are contributing to the crisis in accessing timely, adequate, and appropriate services for youth. This study would help analyze rates and make suggestions for statutory changes. This has been assigned to the Health and Human Services Committee. 

Senator Brewer introduced LR 390 to determine whether Nebraska statutes should be changed to accommodate official recognition of customary adoptions. This would have a focus on Native and Indigenous communities who may have an adoption process that is recognized by their community. This has been assigned to the Judiciary Committee. 


Senator Hughes introduced LR 419 to examine school meal programs in Nebraska. This includes barriers to participation in school meals programs, strategies that could increase participation to decrease child hunger, and community eligibility provisions. This has been assigned to the Education committee.  


For a complete list of interim studies introduced visit the Nebraska Legislature website: Nebraska Legislature - Bill Search Matches.


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Get Your 2023 Kids Count in Nebraska Reports!

The Kids Count in Nebraska Report, produced annually, provides pertinent information on the well-being of children in areas of health, education, economic stability, child welfare and juvenile justice.

If you haven't gotten yours yet or would like to schedule a Kids Count in Nebraska presentation for your group, please contact Josh! You can also access a pdf of the report on the front page of our website. A fully updated Kids Count NEteractive page is under construction and coming soon! 


Do Good Days Are Your Opportunity to Give Back!

SHARE Omaha's Do Good Days are here, and while our volunteer needs are limited, we do have a few opportunities this fall to help with our Fall Gala! EMAIL US at if you're interested in helping out!

In the meantime, will you MAKE A GIFT of $31.80 – the value of a volunteer hour – to help us continue to work toward making Nebraska a great place to be a kid? Thank you!


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The work we do every day on behalf of families and children COULD NOT HAPPEN without the support and participation we receive from YOU. Your generosity allows us to remain an independent voice for Nebraska's kids. 

Get in Touch: voices@voicesforchildren.com | (402) 597-3100

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